Age of empires 2 has just released with the new remastered definitive edition! This new re release / update comes with some new civilizations and new units to play with. One of which are the Cumans. Now low and behold these lovely chappies have accidentally become far too overpowered! Thats right the cumans OP! So lets sit back and relax whilst the spiffing brit decides if AGE OF EMPIRES 2 DEFINITIVE EDITION IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS. Or if the fact the Cumans have the best economy and army might be an issue for the games balance! A huge thank you to T90 official for helping me out with this video. I have been a bit ill and busy with the jingle jam so his support here has been fantastic! You can find his awesome guide and channel here: This video game exploit video will be jam packed with a best bits funny moments montage style of editing similar to that of Valefisk, Robbaz and RTgame. So sit back relax and grab a cup of tea to enjoy with the spiffing brit! Magestic Merch: Patreon: Twitter: @thespiffingbrit Discord: title: AGE OF EMPIRES 2 DEFINITIVE EDITION IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - CUMANS OP #funny #montage #aoe2